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to dwell & be held.

& i wonder maybe, if the green from the trees has been transplanted in our hearts as we heal & grow.  words that come to me. words that stay with me.  this transition between summer's vibrancy & muted fall.  this slowly moving shift of the seasons. & here i am. walking through this muted green land.  i walk down the hill, & down the driveway.  the pasture next to us is currently occupied with a lovely looking group of cows. they stare in what looks to be curiosity as i walk by.   i stop & look at the flowers that surround the hope log.  their colour a stark contrast to the muting surroundings.  i wander off behind the hope log just a few steps & down through a few trees.  & i am here in the 'sanctuary' & all the world seems to just be as i sit down upon a log bench.  here in the shade of the trees i enter my own little world.  i talk to Jesus. in this place it feels like He is just right here sitting beside me.  "He that dwelleth in

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